Tip of the Week #180: Avoiding Dangling References

Originally posted as TotW #180 on June 11, 2020

By Titus Winters

Updated 2020-06-11

Quicklink: abseil.io/tips/180


Unlike many languages, C++ lacks the safety checks necessary to avoid referencing invalid memory (aka “dangling references”). You can easily dereference a pointer to an object that was already delete-ed, or follow a reference to an object that has gone out of scope. Even class types carry this risk. Importantly, we are building naming conventions around the names view and span to signify “This is an object that has reference semantics and may dangle.” These types, like all types with reference semantics, never own the underlying data that they point to. Be mindful whenever you see instances of any of these types stored.

Dangling, And Understanding C++

If you’re coming to C++ from other languages, there are quite a few fundamental surprises. The type system is meaningfully more complicated than most languages, requiring a sometimes-subtle understanding of references, temporaries, shallow-const, pointers, object lifetimes, etc. One of the most uniquely important issues when learning C++ is recognizing that having a pointer or a reference to an object doesn’t mean the object still exists. C++ is not garbage-collected nor reference-counted, and as a result holding a handle to an object isn’t enough to ensure the object stays alive.


int* int_handle;
  int foo = 42;
  int_handle = &foo;
std::cout << *int_handle << "\n";  // Boom

When we dereference int_handle with operator*, we are following a pointer to an object whose lifetime is ended. This is a bug. Formally, this is undefined behavior, and anything can happen.

Distressingly, one of the “anything can happen” options is “this does what you naively think it might” - printing 42. C++ is a language that does not promise to diagnose or react to your bugs. The fact that your program seems to work does not mean it is correct. It means at best that the compiler happened to choose an outcome that worked for you. But make no mistake: this is no less buggy than if int_handle was a pointer to null.

From this we draw two important points:

  • Unlike most languages we use today, the fact that a program runs to completion or behaves as expected is only weakly correlated with “this is correct.” Other languages would diagnose (at compile time or runtime) our errors, C++ chooses to focus instead on optimization and efficiency: spending extra computing power to check that you didn’t make an error isn’t the C++ way. In most languages “It works” is much better evidence for “It is correct.” C++ requires that we question that evidence.
  • Holding a handle (a pointer or reference) to an object does not guarantee that the object is alive and valid to access. Other languages have runtime overhead to keep objects alive, or statically constrain the code you can write. C++ focuses instead on optimization and efficiency. Anytime you use a handle to access the underlying object you need a mental proof to understand why you’re sure the underlying object is still alive. It may have gone out of scope, it may have been explicitly delete-ed.

It is critically important to understand that our informal “handle” discussion applies to values of certain class types as well as to the more-obvious pointers and references. Consider iterators:

std::vector<int>::iterator int_handle;
  std::vector<int> v = {42};
  int_handle = v.begin();
std::cout << *int_handle << "\n"; // Boom

This is morally identical to the previous example. On some platforms, vector iterators may in fact be implemented as pointers. Even if these iterators are class types, the same language rules apply: dereferencing the iterator will (under the hood) eventually be following a pointer or reference to an object that is no longer in scope (in this case, v[0]).

Because C++ does not define what happens when code uses an invalid pointer, reference, or iterator, code that does so is always incorrect (even if it appears to work). This allows debugging tools such as sanitizers and debugging iterators to report bugs with no false positives.

Class Types that May Dangle

Over the past few years, Abseil and the C++ standard library have been introducing additional class types with similar “handle” behavior. The most common of these is string_view, which is a handle to some contiguous buffer of characters (often a string). Holding a string_view is exactly like holding any other handle type: there is no general guarantee that the underlying data lives. It is up the programmer to prove that the underlying buffer outlives the string_view. Importantly the handle that string_view provides does not allow for mutation: a string_view cannot be used to modify the underlying data.

Another handle design that is becoming common is span<T>, which is a contiguous buffer of any type T. If T is non-const, then span allows mutation of the underlying data. If T is const, then the span cannot modify it, in the same fashion that string_view cannot modify the underlying buffer. Thus, span<const char> is similar to string_view. Although the two types have different APIs, reasoning about the handles or underlying buffers works in exactly the same way.

string_view and span tend to be very safe to use as function parameters, abstracting away from a variety of input argument formats. Because of the possibility of a dangling reference, any time that types of this design are stored, they become a significant source of programmer error. Every storage of any handle type requires critical thinking to understand why we are sure the underlying object stays valid for the lifetime of the handle. Using string_view or span in a container is not always wrong but is a subtle optimization that warrants clear comments describing the associated storage. Using these types for data members of a class is rarely the right choice.

It is critically important going forward that C++ programmers understand these design patterns, and how to use these “reference parameter types.” To assist in that understanding, type designers and library providers tend toward the following meaning for types:

  • view - a reference type that cannot be used to mutate the underlying data
  • span - a reference type that might be used to mutate the underlying data

Since both of these naming indicators suggest reference types, any storage of a library-provided type called a “view” or a “span” needs to be accompanied by the same logic you would use when thinking about the lifetimes of a pointer or reference: how do I know that the underlying object is still alive?

Caveats and Further Reading

The popular external range_v3 library and the upcoming C++20 ranges library have a different meaning for “view”, although the types described by these definitions overlap. In ranges, “view” means “a range that can be copied in O(1)”. This includes string_view. However, this definition does not preclude mutation of the underlying data. This mismatch is unfortunate, and largely recognized by the C++ standards committee, but nobody could find consensus on any alternative to “view” after the concern was raised.

The C++20 span type and Abseil’s Span type have slightly different interfaces and semantics when it comes to comparability and copying. The most notable difference is with absl::Span::operator==, which we now know to probably be a design mistake.

For more on the design theory underlying modern reference parameter types, see Revisiting Regular Types.

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