The Abseil Flags Library

The Abseil flags library allows programmatic access to flag values passed on the command-line to binaries. The Abseil Flags library provides the following features:

  • Access to Abseil flags in a thread-safe manner
  • Access to flag values that are valid at any point during a program’s lifetime
  • Prevention of conflicting flag names by ensuring uniqueness within the same binary
  • Associated help text provided by a number of built-in usage flags
  • Has type support for boolean, integral and string types, and is extensible to support other Abseil types and custom types
  • Default values and programmatic access to flag values for both reading and writing
  • Allows distributed declaration and definition of flags, though this usage has drawbacks and should generally be avoided.

Values for these flags are parsed from the command line by absl::ParseCommandLine(). The resulting value for each flag is stored in a global variable of an unspecified type absl::Flag<T>.


Command-line flags are flags that users typically specify on the command line when they run an executable as runtime parameters. (These flags are often referred to as options in the GNU world, such as within the getopt() command-line argument parser.)

In the command:

$ fgrep -l -f /var/tmp/foo johannes brahms
  • -l and -f are command-line flags.
  • The -f flag contains one argument, /var/tmp/foo which is its command-line flag argument.
  • The johannes and brahms arguments, which are not associated with any command-line flag, are command-line positional arguments.

NOTE: unlike getopt(), the Abseil flags library does not support flags with both short and long options (e.g. -v and --verbose as short and long versions of the same command-line option).

Typically, an application lists what flags the user is allowed to pass in, and what arguments they take. In this example, -l takes no argument, and -f takes a string (in particular, a filename) as an argument. Users use a library to help parse the command-line and store the flags in some data structure.

Do I Need Command Line Flags?

In general, don’t reach for flags. More often than not, flags are poor choices for binary configuration. As global variables, it is difficult to avoid conflicts with other flags, and difficult to deprecate and remove flags once they are no longer useful. Some flag values end up being wasteful within your binary: a flag with a single value that never varies is effectively a constant, but one whose associated code paths can never be optimized, as they are runtime initialized.

Often, flags interact with other flags to provide configuration to a binary. If that configuration is reasonably complex, a configuration file is usually a better option. That said, sometimes flags are appropriate.

A flag is reasonable if you know you will need to change the flag’s value, and if the associated logic of the flag is self-contained. For example, a flag is useful for:

  • Toggling features: flags such as --enforce_quota can be changed when quota is causing a problem. When a new feature is being rolled out, you may want a simple way to switch it off in an emergency. However, make sure to remove these flags once their intended purpose has run its course.
  • Platform dependence: specifying values that change in different environments, especially for input/output parameters: file paths, URLs, etc.
  • Tuning parameters: batch sizes, timeouts, thresholds, etc.
  • Debugging: a debugging flag may be desired to log information at runtime without changing user-visible behavior. For example, a logging flag may collect information if a server appears to be slow to respond.

All that said, many flags are strictly unnecessary. During one of our audits in 2012, we discovered that the majority of our flags never varied in value. Before you reach for flags, consider whether you really need them, and for how long.

Flags Best Practices

OK, we’ve warned you about flag usage. But if we accept that you do need flags in your binary, what are some best practices around flag usage?

  • Prefer to define flags only in the file containing the binary’s main() function. Although Abseil flags may be defined anywhere in any source file, avoid any usage outside of main() as it will otherwise be difficult to resolve conflicts.
  • Prefer to reference flags only from within the file containing the binary’s main() function, for the same reason.
  • Do not use flags to implement any binary logic.
  • Do not declare any flags that you do not own yourself.
  • Do not access a binary’s flags within any tight loops. Flags are expensive to read.
  • Prefer using flag types already defined in Abseil rather than implementing your own custom flag types.

With these caveats, the rest of this documentation discusses using the Abseil Flags library API.

Defining Flags

Use the ABSL_FLAG(type, name, default, help-text) macro to define a flag of the appropriate type:

#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"

ABSL_FLAG(bool, big_menu, true,
          "Include 'advanced' options in the menu listing");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, output_dir, "foo/bar/baz/", "output file dir");
ABSL_FLAG(std::vector<std::string>, languages,
          std::vector<std::string>({"english", "french", "german"}),
          "comma-separated list of languages to offer in the 'lang' menu");
ABSL_FLAG(absl::Duration, timeout, absl::Seconds(30), "Default RPC deadline");
ABSL_FLAG(std::optional<std::string>, image_file, std::nullopt,
          "Sets the image input from a file.");

Flags defined with ABSL_FLAG will create global variables named FLAGS_name of the specified type and default value. Help text will be displayed using the --help usage argument, if invoked. See Special Flags for --help documentation.

Standard Flags

Out of the box, the Abseil flags library supports the following types:

  • bool
  • int16_t
  • uint16_t
  • int32_t
  • uint32_t
  • int64_t
  • uint64_t
  • float
  • double
  • std::string
  • std::vector<std::string>
  • std::optional<T> (see “Optional Flags” below)
  • absl::LogSeverity (provided natively for layering reasons)

NOTE: support for integral types is implemented using overloads for variable-width fundamental types (short, int, long, etc.). However, you should prefer the fixed-width integral types listed above (int32_t, uint64_t, etc.).

Abseil Flags

In addition, several Abseil libraries provide their own custom support for Abseil flags. Documentation for these formats is provided in the type’s AbslParseFlag() definition.

The Abseil time library provides the flag support for absolute time values:

  • absl::Duration
  • absl::Time

The civil-time library additionally provides flag support for the following civil-time values:

  • absl::CivilSecond
  • absl::CivilMinute
  • absl::CivilHour
  • absl::CivilDay
  • absl::CivilMonth
  • absl::CivilYear

Additional support for Abseil types will be noted here as it is added.

See Defining Custom Flag Types for how to provide support for a new type.

You can define a flag in any .cc file in your executable, but only define a flag once! All flags should be defined outside any C++ namespace so if multiple definitions of flags with the same name are linked into a single program the linker will report an error. If you want to access a flag in more than one source file, define it in a .cc file, and declare it in the corresponding header file.

Optional Flags

The Abseil flags library supports flags of type std::optional<T> where T is a type of one of the supported flags. We refer to this flag type as an “optional flag.” An optional flag is either “valueless”, holding no value of type T (indicating that the flag has not been set) or a value of type T. The valueless state in C++ code is represented by a value of std::nullopt for the optional flag.

Using std::nullopt as an optional flag’s default value allows you to check whether such a flag was ever specified on the command line:

if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_foo).has_value()) {
  // flag was set on command line
} else {
  // flag was not passed on command line

Using std::optional<T> in this manner avoids common workarounds for indicating such an unset flag (such as using sentinel values to indicate this state).

An optional flag also allows a developer to pass a flag in an “unset” valueless state on the command line, allowing the flag to later be set in binary logic. An optional flag’s valueless state is indicated by the special notation of passing the value as an empty string through the syntax --flag= or --flag "".

$ binary_with_optional --flag_in_unset_state=
$ binary_with_optional --flag_in_unset_state ""

NOTE: as a result of the above syntax requirements, an optional flag cannot be set to a T of any value which unparses to the empty string.

Accessing Flags

A flag defined via ABSL_FLAG is available as a variable of an unspecified type and named using the name passed to ABSL_FLAG. absl::GetFlag() and absl::SetFlag() can be used to access such flags. E.g., for flags of type absl::Duration:

// Creates variable "absl::Flag<absl::Duration> FLAGS_timeout;"
// Example command line usage: --timeout=1m30s
ABSL_FLAG(absl::Duration, timeout, absl::Seconds(30), "Default RPC timeout");

// Read the flag
absl::Duration d = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_timeout);

// Modify the flag
absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_timeout, d + absl::Seconds(10));

Accesses to ABSL_FLAG flags are thread-safe.

Using a Flag in a Different File

Accessing a flag in the manner of the previous section only works if the flag was defined earlier in the same .cc file. If it wasn’t, you’ll get an ‘unknown variable’ error.

If you need to allow other modules to access the flag, you must export it in some header file that is included by those modules. For an ABSL_FLAG flag named FLAGS_name of type T, use the ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(T, name); macro defined in absl/flags/declare.h to do so:

#include "absl/flags/declare.h"

ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(absl::Duration, timeout);

The declaration should always be placed in the header file associated with the .cc file that defines and owns the flag, as with any other exported entities. If you need to do this for testing only, you can place it with an // Exposed for testing only comment.

Warning: The necessity to access flags from different files, especially in libraries, is generally a sign of a bad design. Given the “global variable” nature of flags they should be avoided in libraries and be injected instead (e.g. in constructors). (see

Validating Flag Values

Some flag values may be invalid. E.g., the underlying type may have a larger range than desired for the flag.

For ABSL_FLAG flags, extra checks on a flag value can be done by providing a custom type and adding appropriate validation to the corresponding AbslParseFlag() function, which defines how a particular flag should be parsed.


#include <string>

#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/flags/marshalling.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"

struct PortNumber {
  explicit PortNumber(int p = 0) : port(p) {}

  int port;  // Valid range is [0..32767]

// Returns a textual flag value corresponding to the PortNumber `p`.
std::string AbslUnparseFlag(PortNumber p) {
  // Delegate to the usual unparsing for int.
  return absl::UnparseFlag(p.port);

// Parses a PortNumber from the command line flag value `text`.
// Returns true and sets `*p` on success; returns false and sets `*error`
// on failure.
bool AbslParseFlag(absl::string_view text, PortNumber* p, std::string* error) {
  // Convert from text to int using the int-flag parser.
  if (!absl::ParseFlag(text, &p->port, error)) {
    return false;
  if (p->port < 0 || p->port > 32767) {
    *error = "not in range [0,32767]";
    return false;
  return true;

ABSL_FLAG(PortNumber, port, PortNumber(0), "What port to listen on");

If AbslParseFlag() returns false for a value specified on the command-line, the process will exit with an error message. Note that AbslParseFlag() does not initiate any parsing itself, but simply defines the parsing behavior.

Parsing Flags During Startup

Command-line flags should be parsed at startup, preferably before any other business logic associated with your binary. To do so:

absl::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);

absl::ParseCommandLine() parses the set of command-line arguments passed in the argc (argument count) and argv[] (argument vector) parameters from main(), assigning values to any defined Abseil flags. (Any arguments passed after the flag-terminating delimiter (--) are treated as positional arguments and ignored.)

Any command-line flags (and arguments to those flags) are parsed into Abseil Flag values, if those flags are defined. Any undefined flags will either return an error, or be ignored if that flag is designated using --undefok to indicate “undefined is OK.”

Any command-line positional arguments not part of any command-line flag (or arguments to a flag) are returned in a vector, with the program invocation name at position 0 of that vector. (Note that this includes positional arguments after the flag-terminating delimiter --.)

After all flags and flag arguments are parsed, this function looks for any built-in usage flags (e.g. --help), and if any were specified, it reports help messages and then exits the program. If command-line flags fail to pass parsing and validation, the process will be terminated.

Setting Flags on the Command Line

The reason you make something a flag instead of a compile-time constant, is to allow users to specify a non-default value on the command-line. Here’s how they might do it for an application that links in

app_containing_foo --nobig_menu --languages="chinese,japanese,korean" ...

This sets FLAGS_big_menu = false; and FLAGS_languages = "chinese,japanese,korean", when ParseCommandLine() is run.

Note the atypical syntax for setting a boolean flag to false: putting “no” in front of its name. There’s a fair bit of flexibility to how flags may be specified. Here’s an example of all the ways to specify the “languages” flag:

  • app_containing_foo --languages="chinese,japanese,korean"
  • app_containing_foo -languages="chinese,japanese,korean"
  • app_containing_foo --languages "chinese,japanese,korean"
  • app_containing_foo -languages "chinese,japanese,korean"

For boolean flags, the possibilities are slightly different:

  • app_containing_foo --big_menu
  • app_containing_foo --nobig_menu
  • app_containing_foo --big_menu=true
  • app_containing_foo --big_menu=false

(as well as the single-dash variant on all of these).

Despite this flexibility, we recommend using only a single form: --variable=value for non-boolean flags, and --variable/--novariable for boolean flags. This consistency will make your code more readable.

Note that all command line flags are first parsed by the shell, which adheres to the rules of shell expansion. Specifically, quotes are removed before passing any tokens off to the Flags Library. Care should be taken to never use “smart” quotes in such command lines, as they will not parse correctly.

For integer flag types (int32_t, int64_t, uint64_t, etc.), the following formats are accepted:

  • Decimal: --my_int=24
  • Hexadecimal: --my_int=0x18

NOTE: Do not use two’s complement hexadecimal representation to specify negative values. Use a negative sign with a numeric value that is in range. Ex: --my_int=-0x18

Setting a flag of type std::optional<T> on the command line to show the “unset” state requires a way to refer to this uninitialized value. For Abseil flags, this value is specified using the empty string.

binary_with_optional --flag_in_unset_state=
binary_with_optional --flag_in_unset_state ""

NOTE: this usage prevents an optional flag from having a value of the empty string in practice.

It is a fatal error to specify a flag on the command-line that has not been defined somewhere in the executable. If you need that functionality for some reason – say you want to use the same set of flags for several executables, but not all of them define every flag in your list – you can specify –undefok to suppress the error.

If a flag is specified more than once, only the last specification is used; the others are ignored.

Note that Abseil flags do not have single-letter synonyms, like they do in the getopt() library, nor do we allow “combining” flags behind a single dash, as in ls -laf.

Changing the Default Flag Value

Sometimes a flag is defined in a library, and you want to change its default value in one application but not others. To do so, you can use absl::SetFlag() to override this default value before calling ParseCommandLine(); if the user does not pass a value on the command line, this new default will be used:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // Overrides the default for FLAGS_logtostderr
  absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_logtostderr, true);
  // If the command-line contains a value for logtostderr, use that. Otherwise,
  // use the default (as set above).
  absl::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);

Note that setting the flag after parsing the command-line is neither generally useful nor recommended, as it will ignore the user’s intentions with a command-line flag and essentially set the flag as a constant value.

Removing / Retiring Flags

When a flag is no longer useful (and no longer referenced in code), in some cases it may be possible to simply remove the definition. However, if the flag is referenced in configuration files, job launching scripts, and the like, simply removing the definition will cause problems for deployment. For flags referenced in complex deployments where a single configuration may be used with multiple builds, it can be impossible to satisfy all constraints. To handle these cases where timing and coordination are difficult, you can denote some flags as “retired” flags via ABSL_RETIRED_FLAG().

ABSL_RETIRED_FLAG(bool, old_bool_flag, true, "old description");

Retired flags have a number of important behaviors. Specifically, they:

  • do not define a C++ FLAGS_ variable.
  • have a type and a value, but that value is intentionally inaccessible.
  • do not appear in --help messages.
  • are fully supported by all flag parsing routines.
  • consume args normally, and complain about type mismatches in those arguments.
  • emit a complaint but do not die if they are accessed by name through the flags API for parsing or otherwise.

In this way, you can safely remove flags that are used in (multiple) complex deployments: retire the flag, wait for releases of affected binaries, then remove reference to the flag from configuration files and startup scripts. Once all jobs are starting up without logging warnings about reference to the retired flag, the retired flag can be removed completely.

For more details, see the Tip of the Week on retired flags.

Special Usage Flags

There are a few flags defined by the Abseil flags library itself. These usage flags are reserved words and should not be declared by anyone other than the Abseil team, just like any other flags which you don’t own. Usage flags, if invoked, cause the application to print some information about itself and exit.

--help            show help on important flags for this binary
--helpfull        shows the full list of flags from all files, sorted by file
                  and then by name; shows the flagname, its default value, and
                  its help string
--helpshort       shows only flags for the file with the same name as the
                  executable (usually the one containing main())
--helpon=FILE     shows only flags defined in FILE.*
--helpmatch=S     shows only flags defined in *S*.*
--helppackage     shows flags defined in files in same directory as main()
--version         prints version info for the executable

NOTE: The help message for a flag will include its default value, so in most cases there is no need to mention the default value in the definition of a flag’s help-text.

Additionally, some built-in flags have additional behavioral effects. These are noted below.


The Abseil flags library also supports an undefok flag:


For any listed flagname, this instructs the Abseil flags library to suppress normal error signaling that occurs when --flagname is seen on the command-line (or --noflagname since a listed flag might have been an old boolean flag), but no flag with name flagname has been defined.

Defining Custom Flag Types

For a type T to be used as an Abseil flag type, it must support conversion to and from strings supplied on the command-line. Custom types may have a unique format for this command-line string, and hence may require custom support for Abseil flags.

To add support for your user-defined type, add overloads of AbslParseFlag() and AbslUnparseFlag() as free (non-member) functions to your type. If T is a class type, these functions can be friend function definitions. These overloads must be added to the same namespace where the type is defined, so that they can be discovered by Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL).


namespace foo {
enum class OutputMode { kPlainText, kHtml };

// AbslParseFlag converts from a string to OutputMode.
// Must be in same namespace as OutputMode.

// Parses an OutputMode from the command line flag value `text`. Returns
// `true` and sets `*mode` on success; returns `false` and sets `*error`
// on failure.
bool AbslParseFlag(absl::string_view text,
                   OutputMode* mode,
                   std::string* error) {
  if (text == "plaintext") {
    *mode = OutputMode::kPlainText;
    return true;
  if (text == "html") {
    *mode = OutputMode::kHtml;
    return true;
  *error = "unknown value for enumeration";
  return false;

// AbslUnparseFlag converts from an OutputMode to a string.
// Must be in same namespace as OutputMode.

// Returns a textual flag value corresponding to the OutputMode `mode`.
std::string AbslUnparseFlag(OutputMode mode) {
  switch (mode) {
    case OutputMode::kPlainText: return "plaintext";
    case OutputMode::kHtml: return "html";
    default: return absl::StrCat(mode);
}  // namespace foo

Notice that neither AbslParseFlag() nor AbslUnparseFlag() are class members, but free functions. AbslParseFlag/AbslUnparseFlag() overloads for a type should only be declared in the same file and namespace as said type. The proper AbslParseFlag/AbslUnparseFlag() implementations for a given type will be discovered via Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL).

AbslParseFlag() may need, in turn, to parse simpler constituent types using absl::ParseFlag(). For example, a custom struct MyFlagType consisting of a std::pair<int, std::string> would add an AbslParseFlag() overload for its MyFlagType like so:


namespace my_flag_namespace {

struct MyFlagType {
  std::pair<int, std::string> my_flag_data;

bool AbslParseFlag(absl::string_view text, MyFlagType* flag,
                   std::string* err);

std::string AbslUnparseFlag(const MyFlagType&);

// Within the implementation, `AbslParseFlag()` will, in turn invoke
// `absl::ParseFlag()` on its constituent `int` and `std::string` types
// (which have built-in Abseil flag support.

bool AbslParseFlag(absl::string_view text, MyFlagType* flag,
                   std::string* err) {
  std::pair<absl::string_view, absl::string_view> tokens =
      absl::StrSplit(text, ',');
  if (!absl::ParseFlag(tokens.first, &flag->my_flag_data.first, err))
    return false;
  if (!absl::ParseFlag(tokens.second, &flag->my_flag_data.second, err))
    return false;
  return true;

// Similarly, for unparsing, we can simply invoke `absl::UnparseFlag()` on
// the constituent types.
std::string AbslUnparseFlag(const MyFlagType& flag) {
  return absl::StrCat(absl::UnparseFlag(flag.my_flag_data.first),
}  // my_flag_namespace

Best Practices for Defining Custom Flag Types

  • Declare AbslParseFlag() and AbslUnparseFlag() in exactly one place for T, generally in the same file that declares T. If T is a class type, they can be defined with friend function-definitions.
  • If you must declare AbslParseFlag() and AbslUnparseFlag() away from T’s declaration, you must still be the owner of T and must guarantee that the functions are defined exactly once in the codebase.
  • Document the format string of the flag where you declare AbslParseFlag() and AbslUnparseFlag(). As the owner of T, you are responsible for documenting this format.
  • absl::StrSplit("") returns {""} (a list with one element), so watch out for that if you are defining a compound flag type. Flags defined with ABSL_FLAG(std::vector<std::string>, ...) treat an empty string as an empty container.
  • Escape separators if they can occur in values for compound flag types.
  • Invoke absl::ParseFlag() and absl::UnparseFlag() within your free function overloads to get the string conversion behavior implemented for constituent built-in types.
  • Only boolean flags are allowed to not pass a value: e.g. --enable_foo or --noenable_foo. As a result, all custom flag types require an explicit value to be passed to AbslParseFlag() and AbslUnparseFlag(), even if that value is the empty string (e.g. --my_custom_flag="").