
absl.flags defines a distributed command line system, replacing systems like getopt(), optparse, and manual argument processing. Rather than an application having to define all flags in or near main(), each Python module defines flags that are useful to it. When one Python module imports another, it gains access to the other’s flags. (This behavior is implemented by having all modules share a common, global registry object containing all the flag information.)

The Abseil flags library includes the ability to define flag types (boolean, float, integer, list), autogeneration of help (in both human and machine readable format) and reading arguments from a file. It also includes the ability to automatically generate manual pages from the help flags.

Flags are defined through the use of DEFINE_* functions (where the flag’s type is used to define the value).

Example Usage

from absl import app
from absl import flags


# Flag names are globally defined!  So in general, we need to be
# careful to pick names that are unlikely to be used by other libraries.
# If there is a conflict, we'll get an error at import time.
flags.DEFINE_string('name', 'Jane Random', 'Your name.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('age', None, 'Your age in years.', lower_bound=0)
flags.DEFINE_boolean('debug', False, 'Produces debugging output.')
flags.DEFINE_enum('job', 'running', ['running', 'stopped'], 'Job status.')

def main(argv):
  if FLAGS.debug:
    print('non-flag arguments:', argv)
  print('Happy Birthday', FLAGS.name)
  if FLAGS.age is not None:
    print('You are %d years old, and your job is %s' % (FLAGS.age, FLAGS.job))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Flag Types

This is a list of the DEFINE_*’s that you can do. All flags take a name, default value, help-string, and optional ‘short’ name (one-letter name). Some flags have other arguments, which are described with the flag.

  • DEFINE_string: takes any input and interprets it as a string.
  • DEFINE_bool or DEFINE_boolean: typically does not take an argument: pass --myflag to set FLAGS.myflag to True, or --nomyflag to set FLAGS.myflag to False. --myflag=true and --myflag=false are also supported, but not recommended.
  • DEFINE_float: takes an input and interprets it as a floating point number. This also takes optional arguments lower_bound and upper_bound; if the number specified on the command line is out of range, it raises a FlagError.
  • DEFINE_integer: takes an input and interprets it as an integer. This also takes optional arguments lower_bound and upper_bound as for floats.
  • DEFINE_enum: takes a list of strings that represents legal values. If the command-line value is not in this list, it raises a flag error; otherwise, it assigns to FLAGS.flag as a string.
  • DEFINE_list: Takes a comma-separated list of strings on the command line and stores them in a Python list object.
  • DEFINE_spaceseplist: Takes a space-separated list of strings on the commandline and stores them in a Python list object. For example: --myspacesepflag "foo bar baz"
  • DEFINE_multi_string: The same as DEFINE_string, except the flag can be specified more than once on the command line. The result is a Python list object (list of strings), even if the flag is only on the command line once.
  • DEFINE_multi_integer: The same as DEFINE_integer, except the flag can be specified more than once on the command line. The result is a Python list object (list of ints), even if the flag is only on the command line once.
  • DEFINE_multi_enum: The same as DEFINE_enum, except the flag can be specified more than once on the command line. The result is a Python list object (list of strings), even if the flag is only on the command line once.

Special Flags

Some flags have special meanings:

  • --help: prints a list of all key flags (see below).
  • --helpshort: alias for --help.
  • --helpfull: prints a list of all the flags in a human-readable fashion.
  • --helpxml: prints a list of all flags, in XML format. Do not parse the output of --helpfull and --helpshort. Instead, parse the output of --helpxml.
  • --flagfile=filename: read flags from file filename.
  • --undefok=f1,f2: ignore unrecognized option errors for f1,f2. For boolean flags, you should use --undefok=boolflag, and --boolflag and --noboolflag will be accepted. Do not use --undefok=noboolflag.
  • --: as in getopt(). This terminates flag-processing.


DEFINE_* creates a Flag object and registers it with a FlagValues object (typically the global FlagValues FLAGS, defined in __init__.py). The FlagValues object can scan the command line arguments and pass flag arguments to the corresponding Flag objects for value-checking and type conversion. The converted flag values are available as attributes of the FlagValues object.

Code can access a flag through a FlagValues object, for instance flags.FLAGS.myflag. Typically, the __main__ module passes the command line arguments to flags.FLAGS for parsing. For example:


flags.DEFINE_string('myflag', 'Some default string', 'The value of myflag.')

def main(argv):
  if FLAGS.debug:
    print('non-flag arguments:', argv)
  print('The value of myflag is %s' % FLAGS.myflag)

if __name__ == '__main__':

At bottom, this module calls getopt(), so getopt functionality is supported, including short- and long-style flags, and the use of -- to terminate flags.

Methods defined by the flag module will throw FlagsError exceptions. The exception argument will be a human-readable string.

Additional Features

Flags Validators

Validators are for you if your program:

  • requires flag X to be specified,
  • needs flag Y to match a regular expression, or
  • requires any more general constraint to be satisfied

Each validator represents a constraint over one flag, which is enforced starting from the initial parsing of the flags and until the program terminates.

Also, lower_bound and upper_bound for numerical flags are enforced using flag validators.

Registering Validators

If you want to enforce a constraint over one flag, use

                         message='Flag validation failed',

After flag values are initially parsed, and after any change to the specified flag, method checker(flag_value) will be executed. If constraint is not satisfied, an IllegalFlagValueError exception will be raised. See register_validator’s docstring for a detailed explanation on how to construct your own checker.

Example Usage

from absl import flags


flags.DEFINE_integer('my_version', 0, 'Version number.')
flags.DEFINE_string('filename', None, 'Input file name.', short_name='f')

                         lambda value: value % 2 == 0,
                         message='--my_version must be divisible by 2')

A Note About --flagfile

Flags may be loaded from text files in addition to being specified on the commandline.

This means that you can throw any flags you don’t feel like typing into a file, listing one flag per line. For example:


You then specify your file with the special flag --flagfile=somefile. You can recursively nest flagfile= tokens or use multiple files on the command line. Lines beginning with a single hash ‘#’ or a double slash ‘//’ are comments in your flagfile.

Any flagfile=<filename> will be interpreted as having a relative path from the current working directory rather than from the place the file was included from: myPythonScript.py --flagfile=config/somefile.cfg

If somefile.cfg includes further --flagfile= directives, these will be referenced relative to the original CWD, not from the directory the including flagfile was found in!

The caveat applies to people who are including a series of nested files in a different directory than that from which they execute. Relative path names are always from CWD (current working directory), not from the directory of the parent include flagfile.

Absolute path names ALWAYS work!


How Do I fix UnparsedFlagAccessError?

If an UnparsedFlagAccessError is raised, you are trying to access one of the flags before Abseil flags library has a chance to parse command line arguments. Flags are not parsed at import time; they are parsed manually via FLAGS(list_of_arguments) or as part of app.run().

Here’s a list of common mistakes and suggestions on how to fix them:

Using Flags in Python Decorators

Python decorators are run before app.run() and thus you cannot use flags as direct arguments for decorators. One solution is to make the decorator support callable objects.

Using Flags for Global Variables/Constants

Assignment operations for module-level variables and constants are executed during module import, before app.run(). It is recommended to wrap those assignments in functions. For example:

# Broken:
_OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(FLAGS.my_dir, 'my_subdir')
# Proposed fix:
def _get_output_dir():
  return os.path.join(FLAGS.my_dir, 'my_subdir')

How do I Access C++ flags from Python?

This section is forthcoming!