
The absl::Hash library consists of the following components:

  • absl::Hash<T>, a concrete hash functor object, which you can use out of the box
  • A generic hashing framework for specializing hashing behavior and making user-defined types hashable

This library is designed to be used as a replacement for std::hash and various other hash functors. It provides several advantages over them:

  • It can hash objects of almost any standard type, including std::pair, std::tuple, and most standard containers
  • It can be extended to support user-defined types. Our goal is that if it makes sense to hash an object of type Foo, then absl::Hash<Foo> will just work. These extensions are easy to write and efficient to execute.
  • The underlying hash algorithm can be changed without modifying user code, which allows us to improve it over time. For example, to improve performance and to defend against some hash-flooding attacks.

The absl::Hash framework is the default hash implementation for “Swiss tables” absl::{flat,node}_hash_{set,map} and does not need to be explicitly specified when working with that library.

Including the absl::Hash Library

You only need to include the absl::Hash library if you need to invoke absl::Hash() directly. You don’t need to include this library to make your types hashable.

#include "absl/hash/hash.h"

TL;DR How Do I Make My Type Hashable?

To make your type hashable, add a friend function like:

class Circle {

  template <typename H>
  friend H AbslHashValue(H h, const Circle& c) {
    return H::combine(std::move(h), c.center_, c.radius_);


  std::pair<int, int> center_;
  int radius_;

where H refers to the existing HashState. If you need anything more complex than this, please see Making Your User-Defined Types Hashable below.

To test your hash function, add a test like:

#include "absl/hash/hash_testing.h"


TEST(Circle, Hash) {
      Circle(1, 2),
      Circle(2, 3),
      Circle(0, 0),

where the values passed should provide coverage for all interesting states of the object.

For more complex cases, please see Testing Your Custom AbslHashValue Implementation below.

Using absl::Hash

The absl::Hash framework is the default hash implementation for the “Swiss table” hash tables. All types hashable by the absl::Hash framework will automatically be hashable within Swiss tables.

For other hash table implementations, absl::Hash can be used just like any other hash functor:

std::unordered_map<MyKey, MyValue, absl::Hash<MyKey>> my_map;

Of course, this works only if MyKey is hashable by absl::Hash, i.e. absl::Hash supports the MyKey type.

NOTE: the hash codes computed by absl::Hash are not guaranteed to be stable across different runs of your program, or across different dynamically loaded libraries in your program.

Intrinsic Type Support

absl::Hash intrinsically supports the following types:

  • All integral types (including bool)
  • All enum types
  • All floating-point types (although hashing them is discouraged; we guarantee that 0.0 and -0.0 produce the same hash)
  • All pointer types, including nullptr_t. Note that the pointer itself is hashed, not the value it points to.
  • std::pair<T1, T2>, if T1 and T2 are hashable
  • std::tuple<Ts...>, if all the Ts... are hashable
  • std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr (as with plain pointers, the pointer itself is hashed, not the value it points to)
  • All string-like types including:
    • absl::Cord
    • absl::string_view
    • std::string (as well as any instance of std::basic_string that uses char and std::char_traits<char>)
    • std::string_view
    • std::wstring
    • std::u16string
    • std::u32string
  • All the standard sequence containers (provided the elements are hashable)
  • All the standard ordered associative containers (provided the elements are hashable)
  • absl types such as the following:
    • absl::InlinedVector
    • absl::FixedArray
    • absl::uint128
    • absl::Time, absl::Duration, and absl::TimeZone

NOTE: the list above is not meant to be exhaustive. Additional type support may be added, in which case the above list will be updated.

Unlike std::hash and similar hashers, absl::Hash should not be specialized. Instead, user-defined types can be made hashable by providing an AbslHashValue() overload, as discussed below.

absl::Hash Invocation Evaluation

When invoked, absl::Hash<T> searches for supplied hash functions in the following order:

  • Natively supported types out of the box (see above)
  • Types for which an AbslHashValue() overload is provided (such as user-defined types). See Making Your User-Defined Types Hashable below.
  • Types which define a HASH_NAMESPACE::hash<T> specialization (aka __gnu_cxx::hash<T> for gcc/Clang or stdext::hash<T> for MSVC)
  • Types which define a std::hash<T> specialization

The fallback to legacy hash functions exists mainly for backward compatibility. If you have a choice, prefer defining an AbslHashValue() overload instead of specializing any legacy hash functors. Legacy APIs can reduce the quality or performance of the hash algorithm so their use is only recommended if AbslHashValue() cannot be provided for a type.

Making Your User-Defined Types Hashable

If you want your type to be hashable by absl::Hash, you need to define an overload of AbslHashValue() for your type. The overload should combine state with the existing hash state (denoted as H in the template below), and your class must provide an equality operator.


class MyClass {
  // ...

  friend bool operator==(const MyClass& lhs, const MyClass& rhs);
  template <typename H>
  friend H AbslHashValue(H h, const MyClass& m);

  std::vector<int> v;
  std::string str;
  bool b;

bool operator==(const MyClass& lhs, const MyClass& rhs) {
  return lhs.v == rhs.v && lhs.str == rhs.str && lhs.b == rhs.b;

template <typename H>
H AbslHashValue(H h, const MyClass& m) {
  return H::combine(std::move(h), m.v, m.str, m.b);

Notice that AbslHashValue() is not a class member, but an ordinary function. An AbslHashValue() overload for a type Foo should only be declared in the header that defines Foo, and in the same namespace as Foo.

Also note that MyClass does not require adding an additional #include or any BUILD dependency to provide its overload of AbslHashValue().

The AbslHashValue() Overload

An AbslHashValue() overload is a function template that takes two arguments:

  1. An object representing the current state of the hash algorithm, i.e. all of the input it has received so far, in some unspecified partially-hashed form
  2. The value to be hashed

It must return the resulting state object after combining its state to the existing state, using the Hash::combine() or Hash::combine_contiguous() functions. (See Combining Hash States below.)

NOTE: The hash state object type and value is unspecified except for the two combine* functions. Users should not rely upon any other parts of the state object.

If there is an AbslHashValue() overload that takes Foo as its second argument, we say that Foo is “hashable”.

AbslHashValue()’s job is to produce a new hash state by combining the input hash state with a representation of the value, called the value’s hash expansion. The hash expansion is a sequence of simpler hashable values that satisfies the following runtime requirements:

  • If two Foo objects are equal, then their hash expansions must be equal
  • Similarly, if two Foo objects are unequal, their hash expansions should be unequal1
  • If two Foo objects are unequal, neither hash expansion should be a suffix of the other

These requirements are built on the concept of equality, so how you define AbslHashValue() depends very much on how you define operator==(). In the example above, two MyClass values are equal if and only if each of their members are equal, so we can satisfy all the requirements for making MyClass hashable by making the hash expansion consist simply of a list of those members.

More generally, if your == operator doesn’t contain any loops or branches, but just compares a fixed set of values, then your hash expansion should resolve to that fixed set of values. Note that for this rule of thumb, only the code directly in your == operator is of concern, not in the other == operators that it calls; for example, MyClass’s hash expansion is just the values (v, str, b), because its == operator doesn’t contain any loops, even though it calls vector’s == operator, which does.

Combining Hash States

Once you’ve figured out what your hash expansion is, you just need to combine it with the hash state. The hash state object provides two static functions for doing this:

  • HashState::combine(H, const Args&...): Combines an arbitrary number of values into a hash state, returning the updated state. Each of the Args types must be hashable.


  state = H::combine(std::move(state), value1, value2, value3);

is guaranteed to produce the same hash expansion as

  state = H::combine(std::move(state), value1);
  state = H::combine(std::move(state), value2);
  state = H::combine(std::move(state), value3);
  • HashState::combine_contiguous(H, const T*, size_t): Combines a contiguous array of size elements into a hash state, returning the updated state.


  state = H::combine_contiguous(std::move(state), data, size);

is NOT guaranteed to produce the same hash expansion as a for loop but it may be faster. If you need this guarantee, write out the for loop instead.

Note that the state objects should always be passed by value. Furthermore, they are move-only types (like std::unique_ptr), so you’ll often have to use std::move when passing them.

Testing Your Custom AbslHashValue Implementation

The Abseil hash library provides absl::VerifyTypeImplementsAbslHashCorrectly to verify that a type implements its overload correctly. This function has a few requirements:

  • The type must implement the == operator correctly.
  • The caller must provide instances of the type that include any interesting representations for their type. (For example, a type with a small size optimization should include equivalent instances that use the small size optimization and that do not.)
TEST(MyClass, SupportsAbslHash) {
      MyClass(1, 2),
      MyClass(2, 3),
      MyClass(0, 0),

This call will verify that for any two elements x and y passed:

  • if (x == y), then their hash expansions must be equal
  • if !(x == y) then their hash expansions must differ, and neither can be a suffix of the other.

In case of errors, absl::VerifyTypeImplementsAbslHashCorrectly() will print diagnostics indicating which two elements violated these requirements.

absl::VerifyTypeImplementsAbslHashCorrectly() also supports testing heterogeneous lookup and custom equality operators. In this case, we would use a tuple to pass mixed types.

// I have two types that share a `==` domain, and the hash function is
// supposed to be consistent between them.

TEST(Cord, HashMatchesString) {
    std::string(""), std::string("ABC"), std::string(1000,'a'),
    absl::Cord(""), absl::Cord("ABC"), absl::Cord(std::string(1000,'a'))

// Sometimes the types can't be directly compared, but you still want to ensure
// that equivalent values have the same hash value.
// This is rare, as it would require a custom Eq operator to match the default
// Hash.

TEST(MyClass, SupportsAbslHash) {
      // MyClass elements
      MyClass(1, 2),
      MyClass(2, 3),
      MyClass(0, 0),

      // MyOtherClass elements
  ), CustomEqThatSupportsMyClassAndMyOtherClass()));

Extending Types You Don’t Own

As mentioned above, the only correct place to extend an API for a type is in the same file that declares the type. This includes the AbslHashValue() extension point.

If you want to hash objects of types you do not own, the solution depends on the type in question, but the most common ones:

  • Use an explicit hash/equality function when declaring a hash table. Some types already provide these functions. For others you might need to write one yourself.
  • Add the extension point in the right place, or ask the owners of that code to do it for you.

For some known types that you may wish to hash, see the sections below for advice.

Types in std

Most relevant types in the std namespace are directly supported by absl::Hash. This includes all sequence and ordered associative containers.

Making Your Types Hashable When You Cannot Use Templates

The AbslHashValue extension point is a function template that accepts arbitrary hash state objects. This decouples the specific hash state from the hash expansion code path. However, not all types can implement this function as a template.

Two common cases where this technique fails are PImpl classes and interfaces with virtual functions. For these cases the framework provides the class absl::HashState, which is a type-erased version of the hash state object.

Usage example:

#include "absl/hash/hash.h"  // For definition of `absl::HashState`

// A class that uses the PImpl technique:

// in .h file
class MyClass {
  template <typename H>
  friend H AbslHashValue(H state, const MyClass& value) {
    return std::move(state);

  void HashValue(absl::HashState state) const;

  class MyClassImpl;
  std::unique_ptr<MyClassImpl> impl_;

// in .cc file
void MyClass::HashValue(absl::HashState state) const {
  absl::HashState::combine(std::move(state), impl_->a, impl_->b, impl_->c);
  1. It can be OK for unequal values to have equal hash expansions, so long as that happens with very low probability. However, this is rarely necessary, and it degrades the quality of the final hash, so you should avoid it if possible.